Welcome to the Kingdom Aligned Growth Accelerator for Social Sellers

We help motivated moms in social selling achieve purposeful success while prioritizing their faith and family!

Here's what I know about a lot of women in social selling trying to balance life, motherhood, relationships, and business...we're struggling.

And it wasn't supposed to be this way.

We joined this industry for the time freedom, income, and flexibility but before we knew it, we're on our phones 24/7 trying to keep up with clients and the ever changing social media platforms and somehow the freedom to "work from anywhere" turned into "work everywhere all the time."

We feel drained. The bright flame of joy and passion we once had for our businesses is now just a dim flicker. How do we make a change to go from surviving to thriving without sacrificing the success of our business?

I. GET. IT. I have been there too and I understand the frustration. My physical and mental health suffered because of it.

And that is why here at Kingdom Aligned Growth we are so PASSIONATE about helping fellow faith-driven women in social selling get out of the cycle of self-doubt and procrastination and overwhelm and stuckness and get into alignment with the purpose God has for you in your life and business!

It's time GET YOUR JOY BACK, sister! And in the Kingdom Aligned Growth Accelerator we teach you how to do just that...find joy and purpose in your business, align yourself to your God-given gifts, and sell by SERVING with passion, purpose, and JOY! Ditch the guilt and create the business of your dreams around the life of your dreams!

Hey, I'm Lacee!

And I help women like you align to their Kingdom calling to create a life and business that feels more purposeful and overall, more JOYFUL!

As a mom of 3, a full-time school counselor, and social selling executive, I found myself at a place in my life and business were I was overwhelmed and burned out. The mom guilt was killing me, the mind-drama was draining me, and I just knew...SOMETHING HAD TO GIVE.

I got to a place mentally where I knew I couldn’t do it on my own anymore. It finally dawned on me that that was precisely the reason I was ready to throw in the towel...I was trying to do this on my own....WITHOUT GOD. I decided to let the Lord lead me and guide me in my business as well as seek life coaching and business coaching. Through my journey, I developed a signature framework to help other women in social selling embrace Kingdom aligned growth and living a life they LOVE and having a thriving business they LOVE! That is where the Kingdom Aligned Growth Accelerator was born!

A Look At

What you get inside of the Kingdom Aligned Growth Program

Live Coaching


16-Week Holy-Spirit Filled Course



A Sneak Peek Inside the Course


Our Team

Lacee Wall,


Morgan Mauldin,


Client Testimonials

Some words of love from clients

"I’m blown away by how much my life has shifted since trusting God with the investment into KAGA. The community of entrepreneurial-minded Christian women was something I didn’t know I needed. But truly, it has been a game changer. Lacee’s expertise truly helped me to pinpoint the thoughts I was having that were working against me, and gave me the tools I could tap into whenever I needed to replace those unhelpful thoughts with scriptural truth to form a new, Christ-centered thought. And I’ve been able to use this tool is multiple areas of my life, whenever I’m feeling stuck or overwhelmed or defeated. This coaching program was the key that unlocked SO many other opportunities! Through the resources provided, I’ve been able to connect with women in so many different ways (groups, chats, social media, direct message) that I would not have had access to or known about otherwise, and those connections have totally enriched my life. I can’t imagine not having them in my life now. Since starting this program, I’ve personally grown my team more than I ever have, I’ve re-ranked and hit qualifications that I’ve never been able to hit before, and I’m getting the personal accountability I need to make it all happen. I get excited to get on our weekly coaching calls and share the things that have happened, or ask for help on certain things so I can learn and grow. Biggest break through? Give your business to God, his way is so much better."


Kathryn R.

"One of the many things that I’ve benefited from KAGA coaching is the realization that I don’t have to have a separate plans for business, home life, relationships, finances, and health by providing me with tools that work anywhere I want to apply them. Understanding why my results in any area of my life are what they are and how to change that has been an amazing journey of self refection and growth. I’m showing up with more intention, dedication, and with a better mindset in many areas of my life. One of the biggest breakthroughs I’ve had is that I believed it was all or nothing for anything. I was a “I’ll start again Monday” type person if there was the tiniest setback in a plan. With KAGA, I’ve learned how to identify the thought behind the setback and how to replace it with a thought that is better serving to me or others, which has led to less all or nothing thinking, grace for myself or others, and the willingness to pick up right now, where I left off. I’m finding that I’m less apt to sit in a rut and be inactive and am able to take more purposeful action. I’m also finding it easier to plan my day and make use of my time more efficiently without feeling overwhelmed. As a whole, KAGA’s systems has lifted so much weight from my heart. I feel relieved when I can identify the negative thought that’s leading to an action and find a thought that’s more positive AND can back it up with scripture. It’s like finding the answer to a problem. As I’m discovering and working to fix these worries, guilts, fears, disappointments, and other negative thoughts and feelings, I’m finding my self, my spirit, is full of holes. My soul is longing to be filled with The Lord in the places that I’ve let these things that aren’t of Him dwell. TGBTG for that!! I highly recommend KAGA to women of faith in social selling bc the ways we are taught to think about the nature of the hustle and grind of this industry aren’t conducive to a sustainable peaceful lifestyle. KAGA not only helps round out how to be successful in your business but helps you prioritize areas of your life that made you chose social selling in the first place while keeping God in the center of it all."


Melanie H.

Email: hello@kingdomalignedgrowth.com

Site: www.kingdomalignedgrowth.com

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