


Our God-given purpose is not OUT there somewhere or in something...it's already IN us. Our purpose comes through in our gifts and talents and they way we use them to serve and love on others.


There is POWER in the things we tell ourselves and the things we allow ourselves to think. When we change our thinking, we change our lives!


We were created on purpose and for a purpose. The world needs our gifts and we are called to use those gifts in all we do and spread the good news of Jesus.


I'm Lacee, Founder of Kingdom Aligned Growth

And here is my story...

As a mom of 3, full-time school counselor, and NWM executive, I found myself at a place in my life and business where I was overwhelmed and burnt out. The mom guilt was killing me, the mind-drama was draining me, and I

I got to a place mentally where I knew I couldn't do it on my own
anymore. It finally dawned on me to
get God involved in my business (why did that take me so long?!) and seek life coaching and business coaching. Through my journey, I have developed
a signature framework
to help other mamas in NWM embrace Kingdom aligned growth and live a life they LOVE while having a thriving business they LOVE!

Let's go back in time...

Let me take you back to where I was a couple of years ago in my life and business. As I noted above, I am a full-time school counselor on top of being a mom (and coach's wife) and executive leader in the network marketing industry. I constantly felt like I was spinning so many plates and at ANY moment, everything was about to spin out of control and collapse. IT WAS CRUSHING.

Something had to change.
I continued to feel like God was still calling me to both my full-time career AND my social selling business, so closing the door on either one of those was not an option. I knew I was
called to both of those areas. I was just so SICK AND TIRED of being completely overwhelmed in my business. I was trying to do allllll the things that
the culture of this industry teaches us to do
to grow a thriving business. But along the way, I lost myself in my phone, my social media content, my IPA's, my client messages and helping them...the mom guilt was REAL.

I HAD to find a different way of doing things to make this business work FOR ME and work it AROUND MY LIFE instead of working my life around my business. That is where the Kingdom Aligned Growth Accelerator was born! Before I knew it would be a life changing framework I could teach to others, it was a new way of life and business for me...aligned with God, serving in God's truth and love, and RECLAIMING MY HAPPINESS! I found balance again. I found joy and purpose in my business again. AND I FOUND SALES GROWTH, PROMOTIONS, TEAM GROWTH, AND INCOME GROWTH....all because I prioritized letting God be a the CEO of my business instead of just a part-time consultant.

If you are ready to get out of your own head and align your business with God so you ditch the burnout and overwhelm, start GROWING WITH US today!

Join the KINGDOM ALIGNED GROWTH ACCELERATOR for faith-based women in Social Selling and AMPLIFY YOUR IMPACT AND INCOME all while spreading the light of Jesus into the world.

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